We take this opportunity to inform All Trustees, Directors, devotees, and well-wishers of Kisaju School that the Secondary School is now complete.
By Baba’s grace the Secondary School is nearing completion. Here are some pictures of the construction progress as of Oct 25, 2017.
Here are the latest pictures of the construction progress of the Sathya Sai secondary school as of May 15th 2017.
Here are the latest pictures of the construction progress of the Sathya Sai secondary school as of February 11th 2017.
Here are the latest pictures of the construction of the Sathya Sai Secondary school progress as at January 15th 2017.
With Swami’s grace, the secondary school construction is progressing well. Below are the latest pictures of the construction.
Here are pictures of the plans, construction in progress and the launch of the Secondary School by Bro. HJ Dora, Member of Sri Sathya Sai World Foundation.
The following are photos of ground breaking ceremony for proposed Secondary School held during Founder’s Day celebrations at Kisaju on 29th Nov. 2015.