2014 Teacher’s Day (Gurupurnima) themed “DEVOTION TO DUTY” was celebrated on Sunday 27th July 2014
Offering Homage and tribute to our founder Sri Sathya Sai Baba, the School’s fraternity decorated the buildings, Auditorium and playfields and embarked to drive the message; “Duty done with devotion, dedication and selflessness is divine worship.”
The occasion began at 10.30 am with an assembly in the front courtyard where all visitors were welcomed to the school by the Head teacher. Students conducted a march past.
Guest and visitors were taken through an EHV and farm exhibition
One of the EHV exhibition depicted the pentagon shaped structure of the school buildings with each wing representing a value. i.e. Auditorium – LOVE, Classroom block – TRUTH, Classroom block – RIGHT CONDUCT, Dorm and dining hall block – PEACE, Teachers residential Block – NON VIOLENCE.
Students were able to explain the elicited value from each block and how it is practiced in daily life at Sathya Sai School – Kisaju.
Farm exhibition displayed a variety of harvested crops and vegetables grown in the school farm.
Students explained their responsibility and the values elicited as they work and take care of the school farm.
Inauguration of Volley Ball and Basket Ball Playfields

Students recited value based songs thanking God for the newly added facility. With pomp and glamour students burst balloons amidst cheers as everyone made a grand entry into the new playfields.
Chief Guest, Mr. John Maina – District Quality Assurance and Standard Officer from Ministry of Education (ISINYA DISTRICT) cut the tape and inaugurated the two fields by initiating a game of basket ball and volleyball.
Proceedings at the Auditorium
Head Teacher’s welcome address
94 parents & guardians,164 students, Teaching staff, Chief Guest, Visitors, Directors, Trustees, Devotees, and well wishers from Nairobi and environs had assembled in the Auditorium. The Head teacher welcomed all with an address that covered the school’s daily routine which starts with “The thought of the day”, value added education, the practical approach of education, extra curriculum activities including the improving academic standards of the school.
Students Presentations

Students put on captivating presentations and mesmerized the audience and to pay homage to our Universal Teacher SRI SATHYA SAI BABA
SHAIRI – “Nikushukuru vipi Mwalimu Wangu”. The Shairi depicted and brought out various teaching of Sri Sathya Sai Baba. It emphasized on character transformation through spiritual knowledge rather than bookish and worldly knowledge which may turn out to be dangerous without morals and undesirable character.
PLAY- “ALL THAT HAPPENS, HAPPENS FOR THE BEST”. A play let based on a King who accidentally cut his finger,which became a positive reason for his release from captivity. It reminded us that our actions is the cause of joy or sorrow in our lives. Our beloved Lord teaches us to have unity of thought, word and deed. The play also portrayed that one should take one’s failures and success with equal mindedness.
DRAMA -It was set out to show the audience the type of value added education offered at Sathya Sai School Kisaju. It stressed on how SSEHV is transformational and experiential. It showed how a gentleman changed for better in character.
MAASAI CULTURAL DANCE – Showcased how Sathya Sai School-Kisaju is a unique school in Maasai land, emphasized on the need to maintain cultural values,to bring about tolerance and acceptance of all other cultures.
SINGING GAMES – This was the highlight of the presentations. The songs were full of fun which showcased on how values are inculcated even in games.
Academic Director Mr Gathuku’s Adress
He termed the school as a Divine project and explained the Founder Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s mission and vision.
He emphasized in his speech based on “sowing a thought to leap an action; Sowing an act to reap a habit; sowing a habit to reap a character and sowing a character to reap a destiny.”
Explained the origin of Educare and why the school is emphasizing on value added education.
He explained the role of the parents and teachers in bringing up the gentleman with a good character and not full of bookish knowledge. He explained how Educare forms the real kind of education that the world lacks today. He called upon the guest of honour to ensure the Ministry of education borrows a leaf from Sathya Sai Educare to ensure that the values are emphasized in all school in Kenya, the importance of EHV programmes in our school and how this type of education moulds the character.
He recognized all the teachers and sub ordinate staff of the School, facilitated and awarded all for their dedication then introduced the Chief Guest.
Chief Guest – Mr. John Maina’s Adress
- Expressed his appreciation on the academic improvement for the last three years.
- Expressed his confidence in academic standard the school has posted so far.
- Thanked the management and the head teacher for their continued support and cooperation with his office in curriculum implementation.
- Expressed his appreciation to the school because of taking extra curriculum activities seriously and coming up with ultra modern play fields.
- Urged the student to make the best of the inaugurated field to supplement their academic work.
- Explained that the National syllabus has values incorporated only that they are not emphasized by teachers in public sector.
- Promised to take it up as a challenge and it will be addressed. Requested that Kisaju School be the Centre to spread EHV in the District, and that he will invite all Head Teachers and teaching staff from various District Schools to attend EHV seminars.
- Congratulated teachers for their services and for maintaining good discipline in school.
- Congratulated the Sathya Sai fraternity for working hard to ensure that the academic graph went up every year.
Trustee Chairman – Bro. Kuldip Singh’s Adress

- Offered tribute to the Founder and expressed gratitude for being given the chance to serve in this Divine project.
- Expounded on the importance of the divinity that exists everywhere and that the entire universe is an manifestation of Divinity.
- That the school was willed by Our Founder, and that whatever progress the school has achieved is purely by Divine will.
- Advised students to always live and practise the sacred teachings of our Founder. To uphold the name sacred name (Sathya Sai) of the School. To be exemplary students by living the values learnt even when they are on vacation and continue to spread values by sharing their experiences with all in and out of school.
- Advised Teachers to become role models and inspire the students lives with Love and Righteousness.
- Explained that the mission of the School is to be a model school in character building and academic excellence. Reiterated that the debate is not what BABA has said, but how it will be done us ??… we are the instruments chosen by BABA to make Sathya Sai Schools, the role models of excellence.
- That the School is Built on the strong foundations of Truth, Righteousness,Peace, Love and Non Violence
- Explained that through the Education in Human Values programme, a positive change has been observed worldwide, not only in students studying in Sathya Sai Schools,by extension to even their Parents, Guardians and the community at large through regular “Parenting sessions “. He announced that monthly “Parenting Sessions” will be held at the school and invited the audience to attend and actively take part.
- Assured the Chief Guest of full support by the School to move forward the EHV/Educare programme to all other schools within the District and Countywide.
- Re-requested the Chief Guest to invite Head Teachers and the Teaching faculty from all schools to an EHV seminar and thereafter chart the way forward.
- Referring to the present day chaotic world full of unrighteousness,emphasized that teachings of Beloved Baba were most relevant for the moral and social uplift. That practicing values was the only way to usher in a new world order as propagated by our Founder.
- He concluded by appreciating the efforts and energy put in by Teachers and students in arranging the celebrations including services rendered by well wishers and all the donors for their contribution towards the completion of basket ball and volley ball playfields.
Tree Planting

The celebrations were concluded by planting red bougainvillea and ornamental plants along the school’s perimeter fence by all that lead to healthy bonding as everyone participated in planting and watering of flowers.
After lunch (2.30pm) Guests, visitors and parents left the school compound at their pleasure with pleasant memories
It was a wonderful day. We thank everyone who attended the function and those who made it a success.
Reverential thanks to our Beloved Lord.
This event was also featured on Sathya Sai Universe