As is customary every year, Kisaju School celebrated Guru Poornima by honouring our main Guru – our beloved Sathya Sai Baba, as well as the school teachers.
The Asian Foundation of Kenya organized an Exhibition called Stawisha Maisha (Transforming lives and communities) in Nairobi from May 12 - 14, 2017.
The Ministry of Education, Isinya Sub-county, and the leadership of institutions invited Dr. Lalini Reddy to facilitate a teacher workshop at Kisaju School.
We are pleased to report that a residential SSEHV teacher training course (introductory level 1), was held at Kisaju School from 3rd to 7th April 2017.
20th Oct 2016 was truly a blissful day for Kisaju School, to commemorate beloved Baba’s Avatar Declaration Day coinciding with ‘Feed the Planet Day’.
31 teachers from 19 schools from various parts of Kenya attended the in-house residential course to commemorate Guru Poornima.
An article that is titled “Sathya Sai School of Kisaju spreads HOPE Programme in Kenya” has been published on website.
Sathya Sai School – Kisaju conducted two meetings for the self-review on “The Pedagogy of Sathya Sai Education” on April 3, 2016 and April 5, 2016.
This is part of various self-review meetings that the Education Committee of SSIO has asked all Sathya Sai Schools worldwide to conduct.
The following are photos of ground breaking ceremony for proposed Secondary School held during Founder’s Day celebrations at Kisaju on 29th Nov. 2015.